Page 5 - 2016_07_HelloKakis
P. 5



A member since she was seven, Angel is looking
to increase her golfng exposure and gain more
tournament experience in the coming years. Her
steely-eyed determination and razor-sharp focus
even during practice belies her tender age. We
met up with the 11-year-old dynamo recently as
she geared towards her preparations for the 15th
National Primary School Golf Championships.

Junior member
since 2012

What is your favourite Any memorable golfng
golf course? experience?

It would have to be Marina Bay Golf One of the more memorable
Course as it is my home course and experiences for me is being able to
one I grew up in. Despite familiarity golf in different countries, especially
of the course, there are certain Joondalup Resort & Country Club in
areas where I am less confdent. Australia. I went there during the
For example, Hole 4 is a constant cold season and the cool air kept
challenge with its tough green me refreshed even after a full 18-
Angel at surrounded by bunkers. hole game. Also, I have never tried
8 years old a course like it before.

When did you frst pick How often do you golf? Know someone you would like to see
up golf? During the school term, I practise featured as Member of the Month?

about thrice a week. This includes Share with us your recommendations
I started golf when I was 4 years old. going onto the course once during at
My parents are a big infuence as my weekends. During the school
dad is a long-time golf professional holidays, I try to practise or play
and my mum used to be very involved every day.
in club tournaments. I admire their
golfng achievements and aim to be
as successful as them!
Any words of encouragement
to other young golfers like you
Do you have other hobbies or taking up the sport?
interest outside of golf? Never give up and always do your

I enjoy badminton, swimming and best. Most importantly, take your
basketball. I also like to read for time and just enjoy the game.
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