Page 4 - 2015_10_HelloKakis
P. 4

THE SILENT GIVER Osamu Suetsugu has been a quiet supporter of our club events
and unknown to many, has been generous in sponsoring door
IN OUR MIDST gifts and prizes at several events. After over two decades plying
his trade in Japan, the Kobe native decided to challenge himself
and get out of his comfort zone by opening his own beauty and
healthcare company in Singapore 15 years ago.

When and why
did you start golfng?
I was a late bloomer and only started
golf when I was 32 years old. I had
friends who were into golf and I
was curious to learn more about the
sport that had captivated them all. It
was also a good opportunity to enjoy
time together with my buddies.

How often and
where do you golf?
I usually golf 2 – 3 times monthly
at MGK events or at friendly
competitions in Batam with fellow
Japanese golfers. Occasionally, I golf
at various golf courses in Japan too.

Osamu Suetsugu
Senior member
What are your favourite since 2006
courses to play locally
and overseas?
Well, I often golf at Orchid Country
Club, as well as nearby Ria
Bintan and Southlinks Country From your experience,
Club. Fortunately, there are also what would be the biggest
many good golf courses near my
hometown in Kobe, Japan – so I am difference between golf
spoilt for choice. courses in Singapore and
Due to the landscape of Singapore,
What was the deciding the courses here are generally fatter Who is your favourite golfer
factor to join my golf kaki? compared to those in my hometown. and why?
I decided to obtain an offcial The undulating and steeper terrain
handicap and MGK was a good and there is defnitely more challenging I got to like Jordan Spieth as I
affordable choice for me. Joining to me. watched his never-give-up attitude
MGK also meant that I could meet at the Open. Of course, being
new golf kakis at every event I Is there a vast difference Japanese, I have my own home
participated in. favourite – Hideki Matsuyama. He
between a typical Singaporean has been playing well and stands
golfer to a Japanese one? a chance to be the frst Japanese
Major tournament champion in the
You offered to be a sponsor In my opinion, there isn’t really near future.
for some of our events. a big difference. It all depends
Yes. I wanted to spread awareness on each individual’s personality,
really. However, I noticed that
on made-in-Japan items, and the locals here generally don’t
thought some of my company’s mind playing alone and joining Know someone you would like to see
products were suitable for golfers, other fights, compared to my featured as Member of the Month?
especially after a round of golf. compatriots who prefer to play as Share your recommendations with
a group. us at
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